A number of orca incidents have now been recorded east of Gibraltar using the GT Orcas app, including one off Ceuta which caused extensive damage, and another south of Marbella, both of which have also been reported to the CA. This is new behaviour by the orcas this year, as previously they have only been involved in incidents in Atlantic waters.
The Mediterranean incidents are in addition to continuing incidents in Biscay waters between Gibraltar and Brittany, and a recent sighting off Brest. The orcas tend to move north throughout the summer as the tuna migrate.
The CA orca project team asked the GT Orca scientists if they knew which orca were venturing east. GTOA advised, "We don’t know which orcas they are because we didn’t get any pictures. It is not very frequent, but the presence of orcas is known in that area and in Algeciras, they have arrived in Almería at some point as well. We will have to see how they evolve, [but we] don’t think they would like to venture into the Mediterranean very much."
The CA’s orca team recommends you download the GT Orcas app hosted by Grupo Trabajo Orca Atlantica (GTOA), which is available for iPhone or Android, and records all known incidents.
On the CA website - www.theca.org.uk/orcas - you can view details of interactions and advice on measures which may minimise the impact.

Images: Screenshots from GT Orcas app
Red pin – interaction with physical contact / Olive pin – interaction without physical contact / Green pin - sighting
8 August 2023