The Voyage of the Cilicia, James Parnell

In a field in land-locked Armenia, there lies a full-scale replica of a 13th century merchant ship. She was modelled from a time when the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia had a coastline and a mercantile fleet. Amazingly, the project was conceived when Armenia was part of the Soviet Union and built in a time of turmoil and war. When Armenia found itself a free country, the ship was transported to the Black Sea and launched. In 2002-06 the crew sailed her all through the Mediterranean, on out into the Atlantic and on to northern Europe, even as far as Tower Bridge, returning to Armenia via the rivers of Russia. The Cilicia covered more than 15,000 nautical miles and visited 65 ports in 25 countries. The lecture will re-tell this remarkable odyssey with the aid of material from Armenian Ayas Nautical research club.

Please note: lectures can be watched live online but we do not generally make recordings available after the event, for a number of reasons relating to time and copyright issues.


Date: Wednesday 27 November 2024

Time: 19:00

Place: CA House or, for the webinar broadcast via Zoom, your own home or boat

Booking (to attend at CA House): To book places on any lecture, and to indicate whether you’ll be ordering food, click on [Book venue]. Please pay in advance on the website, or by contactless on the door. Any problems with the booking system, call or email Mandie on 020 7537 2828/

Tickets (to attend at CA House): Members £4, non-members £7. Season tickets are also available to members £32.

Booking (to join the webinar via Zoom): The webinar broadcast is open to members, including Crewing Service members, only. You will need to login to see the details below.

If you would like to join the webinar broadcast, please register via Zoom here. There will be no charge for viewing online.