Duration of interaction
% (#) of boats following protocol% (#) of boats not following protocol
<1039.2 (29)58.1 (61)
10-3043.2 (32)29.5 (31)
30-601.4 (1)9.5 (10)
>6016.2 (12)2.9 (3)

Percentages below are of the number of respondents to the particular question who had an interaction/uneventful passage as appropriate. Note - where not all respondents answered a question the number who did not answer is shown. If you intend to conduct your own analysis, please use raw numbers and work out percentages according to your needs.

# (%)
# (%)
Number of responses196399
Did you follow the GTOA protocol (drop sails, stop boat, engine off and keep a low profile) and how long did the interaction continue?
Did not answer1
No, did not follow protocol, interaction lasted 10 to 30 minutes 31 (15.9%)
No, did not follow protocol, interaction lasted 30 to 60 minutes 10 (5.1%)
No, did not follow protocol, interaction lasted less than 10 minutes 61 (31.3%)
No, did not follow protocol, interaction lasted more than 60 minutes 3 (1.5%)
Yes, followed protocol, interaction lasted 10 to 30 minutes 32 (16.4%)
Yes, followed protocol, interaction lasted 30 to 60 minutes 17 (8.7%)
Yes, followed protocol, interaction lasted less than 10 minutes 29 (14.9%)
Yes, followed protocol, interaction lasted more than 60 minutes 12 (6.2%)
Interaction - Was a tow required?
Did not answer2
No 158 (81.4%)
Yes 36 (18.6%)
Interaction - Was the boat damaged and in need of repair?
Did not answer2
No 67 (34.5%)
Yes, extensive - major works required 43 (22.2%)
Yes, minor - will wait until the end of the season 14 (7.2%)
Yes, moderate - immediate repairs required 70 (36.1%)
Uneventful passage - Orcas seen or not
Did not answer1
No383 (96.2%)
Yes 15 (3.8%)
Boat Type
Did not answer1
Fishing Vessel 1 (0.5%)
Motor 3 (1.5%)1 (0.3%)
Sail 192 (98.0%)397 (99.7%)
Boat length (metres)
10 - 12.5m 76 (38.8%)153 (38.3%)
12.5 - 15m 69 (35.2%)164 (41.1%)
Over 15m 42 (21.4%)62 (15.5%)
Under 10m 9 (4.6%)20 (5.0%)
Hull topsides colour
Dark colour 30 (15.5%)75 (18.8%)
Did not answer21
White/light 164 (84.5%)323 (81.2%)
Motoring or sailing
Did not answer32
Hove-to 1 (0.5%)1 (0.3%)
Motoring 68 (35.2%)82 (20.7%)
Motorsailing 64 (33.2%)179 (45.1%)
Sailing 60 (31.1%)135 (34.0%)
Speed (knots)
0 - 2 4 (2.1%)2 (0.5%)
3 - 4 31 (16.0%)33 (8.3%)
5 - 7 140 (72.2%)345 (86.7%)
8 - 11 19 (9.8%)18 (4.5%)
Did not answer21
Spade 86 (45.5%)192 (48.2%)
Twin rudder 46 (24.3%)76 (19.1%)
Did not answer71
Full skeg 26 (13.8%)66 (16.6%)
Keel hung 8 (4.2%)16 (4.0%)
Semi skeg 23 (12.2%)48 (12.1%)
Antifoul colour
Black 87 (44.8%)109 (27.7%)
Blue 53 (27.3%)125 (31.7%)
Coppercoat 14 (7.2%)70 (17.8%)
Did not answer25
Green 4 (2.1%)9 (2.3%)
Other 8 (4.1%)12 (3.0%)
Red 15 (7.7%)34 (8.6%)
White 13 (6.7%)35 (8.9%)
Did not answer61
Off 47 (24.7%)50 (12.6%)
On 143 (75.3%)348 (87.4%)
Trailing a dinghy or other inflatable?
Did not answer41
No 191 (99.5%)389 (97.7%)
Towing and interacted with inflatable first 1 (0.5%)
Yes 9 (2.3%)
Depth gauge
Did not answer62
Off 17 (8.9%)52 (13.1%)
On 173 (91.1%)345 (86.9%)
Cloud cover
0 - 25% 108 (57.8%)201 (54.5%)
25 - 50% 42 (22.5%)79 (21.4%)
50 - 75% 16 (8.6%)48 (13.0%)
75 - 100%21 (11.2%)41 (11.1%)
Did not answer930
Darkness or daylight (select more than one if applicable)
Dawn 17 (8.7%)1 (0.3%)
Day 136 (69.4%)284 (71.2%)
Dusk 15 (7.7%)14 (3.5%)
Night 28 (14.3%)100 (25.1%)
Depth (metres)
20 - 40m 18 (9.4%)139 (36.4%)
200m+62 (32.3%)64 (16.8%)
40 - 200m 111 (57.8%)113 (29.6%)
Did not answer417
Up to 20m 1 (0.5%)66 (17.3%)
Distance off land (nautical miles)
0 - 2 20 (10.3%)159 (40.5%)
2 - 5 54 (27.7%)122 (31.0%)
5 - 10 47 (24.1%)46 (11.7%)
Did not answer16
Over 10 74 (37.9%)66 (16.8%)
Sea state
Calm 117 (60.9%)203 (51.1%)
Did not answer42
Moderate 60 (31.3%)175 (44.1%)
Rough 15 (7.8%)19 (4.8%)
Wind speed (Beaufort)
0 - 2 (0 - 6 knots) 67 (34.7%)106 (26.7%)
3 - 4 (7 - 16 knots) 81 (42.0%)191 (48.1%)
5 - 6 (17 - 27 knots) 38 (19.7%)82 (20.7%)
7+ (28 knots+)7 (3.6%)18 (4.5%)
Did not answer32
Were you trailing a fishing lure when the interaction commenced?
Did not answer130262
No 59 (89.4%)122 (89.1%)
Yes 7 (10.6%)15 (10.9%)
During the Interaction did one or more orcas make physical contact with the boat?
Did not answer130
No 14 (21.2%)
Yes 52 (78.8%)
If no, how close were the orcas to the boat in metres
Did not answer196
Did not answer153
116 (37.2%)
215 (34.9%)
35 (11.6%)
44 (9.3%)
52 (4.7%)
61 (2.3%)
Did not answer174
17 (31.8%)
211 (50.0%)
31 (4.5%)
41 (4.5%)
52 (9.1%)
Did not answer170
14 (15.4%)
26 (23.1%)
36 (23.1%)
43 (11.5%)
55 (19.2%)
61 (3.8%)
71 (3.8%)
State of tide
Not within 3 days of springs118 (60.2%)259 (64.9%)
Within 3 days of spring tide78 (39.8%)140 (35.1%)