Orca Interaction and Uneventful Passage Report Results

The map view and list of orca interactions display compiled reports. For up-to-date sightings and orca locations, visit:

To view individual reports click/tap the relevant tab below.

Uneventful passages reports are displayed in order of date receipt. Click/tap on each report to view its content.

Interaction reports are displayed on a map. Click/tap on each pin to view its content. A facility to filter by date for latest reports, or a particular time period is now available.

Comments made by the report submitter can be viewed at the bottom of each individual report.

The comparative data table shows the statistics from interaction reports and uneventful passages, displayed side by side. The CA cautions against drawing any conclusions at this stage.

You can view our orca homepage here and you can report an interaction or uneventful passage via the links on that page.

We have created a library of comments extracted from the full interaction reports, categorising the different actions and measures that skippers have reported when attempting to deter or end an interaction.


You can also view an analysis of orca interactions by location, year and month since 2020. Data obtained from GTOA's monthly interaction maps at www.orcaiberica.org


Orca interactions (196)
Uneventful passages (399)
Comparative Data
to Report ID: Inter
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Leaflet | Map data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, OSM data
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Click/tap a pin to view the report.